Tely: Tele-Absence
Prototyping a device that orients itself to the motion of a distant person
4 weeks
Project Type
Hardware prototype
Pan-tilt servo motor, ESP32, Firebase, Grasshopper
Hardware prototyping, software programming, 3D modeling
Tely is a device that orients itself to the motion of a distant person, in a way conveying presence through absence.
My project started with an exploration of the concept of portal between two rooms and I was interested in capturing a snapshot of the other room (in this case, a point cloud) that could be viewed from the first room.
II. Mediated Presence - Motion Sculpture
Then, rather than viewing the distant space in a detailed, fleshed out way, I thought about a mediated experience, partly inspired by the reading The Thousand Dreams of Stellavista, where the space retains the memory of their users and responds back. So I started exploring the memory of space through virtual sculptures of their motion, projected back to space in augmented reality (this became a separate project in progress).
III. Tele-Absence
Finally, I've decided to push this to the other end of the spectrum where the presence of the distant person is no longer materialized, but passively felt; what I landed on is a device that is very figural, but at the same time it registers the absence of figurality of the distant presence.
I was also referencing this commentary from Elliott Malkin, which attempts to theorize tele-absence. Reading a novel without a certain letter, it actually accentuates it; the absence becomes the presence. For my project, the device moves when there is motion from the distant person, and it stays fairly quiet when they are static - it highlights the absence more than the presence.
Components & Schema
This is a 2-way process: each room has a Tely that orients itself to the person in the other room.
Tracking & Uploading
Tracking device position via Fologram relative to a virtual origin point in real-time
Calculate turning angles for the tilt-pan servos via a C# script and send those data to Firebase.
(Getting the instructions from Firebase and deploy to an Arduino board setup for local testing)